Easy to Install WordPress

Nowadays, there is a lot of website in the world that show information of theirs company or personal information of people. The websites are created for show information, services, and products of company and the people can know about everything of company by go to visit the website. How to easy to create website? There are many ways to create website, but you should choose one way that easy and fast to create it. Now I guide you to use WordPress to create website that it easy and fast. What is WordPress? WordPress is the CMS (Content Management System) like Joomla, Drupal and we use it to create website
that you can manage, update your content easily. Please follow below step:

1. Make sure your computer have Apache Server because WordPress is run on Apache server. You can use Warmserver or XAMPP.  Here I used XAMPP to install WordPress.

Apache and MySql must running like this.

2. Download WordPress package to your local machine by go to www.wordpress.org and download latest versions.

3.   After download WordPress package please copy it to xampp folder that you installed on your PC.

Here you can create new folder and put WordPress package in case you have more website. After you copy this location please extract wordpress package. You will see wordpress package file below:

4. Next step please open web browser and enter address below.

Address: http://localhost:8181/mywebsite/ it mean we install in local machine using port 8080 and my package install in folder xampp\htdocs\mywebsite

5. Click Create Configuration File => Let’s go! button it will show new page:


                  Database Name: Input database name
                  User Name: Input username login to MySQL
                  Password: Enter password login to MySQL
                  Database Host: Don’t change anything
                  Table Prefix: Don’t change anything

6. Click button Submit.

If we see this error please go to create database by go to this address and create new database mywebsite:

After create please Click button Try again and fill database name again. And click button Run the Install.

 7. It will be show new page as below: 

                Fill all information for your website:
                Site Title: Your website title
                Username: Input user to log to your wordpress
                Password: Input your password
                Your Email: Input your email
                Click button Install WordPress. It will be show new Success page and then click button Log In with your username and password.

8. After log in you will see dashboard of WordPress and you can update or design your web interface. Please see Dashboard’s WordPress below:

I will write new topic about how to use design interface in WordPress latter. Pease wait to read.

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