Easy Way to Create Gmail Account

Gmail is the one product of Google Company.  People in the world has been created Gmail account to contacts to other people for communication, businesses, chat or created to use another products of Google that it requite to have Gmail account. To create Gmail account is very easy and quick. After you created Gmail account you can access to other products of Google such as: Google+, YouTube, Chat etc.
So Gmail account is very important for you to use. Here is the easy way to create Gmail account. Please follow below step:

1.  Open web browser and input into address box www.mail.google.com. It will show as below picture: 

2. Click on Create an account it will show new page to fill your information. Please see picture below and fill all information:

       - Name: Input your First Name and Last Name. 
             -  Choose your username: This is your place to fill your email address.
-          - Create a password: Input your password(Your password include Upper case, Lower case, number and special character for make it secure).
-          - Confirm your password: Input your password again.
-          - Birthday: Input your date of birth.
-          - Gender: Choose your gender.
-          - Mobile phone: Enter your phone number.
-          - Your current email address: Input your current email address.

-         -  Prove you’re not a robot: Check on this checkbox.
-         - Type the text:  Input number in picture to textbox Type the text.
-          - Location: Choose your country.
-         -  Check on textbox: I agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

3. Click button Next Step: You will see new page that for you create your public Google+ profile. If you don’t want to create Google+ profile please click button “No Thank” (You can create profile Google+ later).

      4. After you click button No Thank it will be show welcome page that mean you successfully in create Gmail account.

5. Click button Continue to Gmail: for startup using your Gmail. You can use it to send mail to your partner.  

Next topic we will write about create another Google products by using Gmail account.

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